About Tattoo

icon If you've decided to get yourself a new tattoo, here are a few recommendations:
Before visiting a tattoo studio, you should prepare in terms of what you want to have tattooed on your skin. For example, if you want a tattoo of your dog's portrait, it's best to take several photos of your dog from different angles with you, and the artist will advise you on which photo would be best as a sketch for the tattoo.
If you're going to a tattoo salon where there are many tattoo artists, the most important thing is to look at the work of the tattoo artist you're going to. It often happens that the photos of works on social media pages of the studio belong to artists who are not currently in the studio. In this case, you should clarify when exactly this artist will be in the studio so that you can get to him. In this case, you'll get the quality you were counting on.
It's also important to look at the healed works that the artist has done. You can directly ask to see a couple of photos of healed works, and if the artist evades and says he doesn't like to take photos or for some other reason doesn't have them, then in that case, it's better to refuse such an artist. Most of the photos of works on social media are taken right after the session. They are always juicy, saturated. But a high-quality tattoo is a very complex process. A professional artist always ensures that his works look high-quality even after healing.
A very important recommendation! Don't look for cheaper options. Remember, quality comes at a price. You may be offered to make exactly the tattoo you want at half price somewhere at home or even at your home. Trust me, you will be disappointed with the result. In addition to poor tattoo quality, you may also get some infection.
Don't be afraid - it doesn't hurt. To understand how painful it is to get a tattoo, you can take a ruler and run its sharp end over your skin with moderate pressure, that's roughly the sensation you'll have during the tattooing process.
icon Recommendations for Preparation/Healing:
The recommendations for caring for your new tattoo will be best described by someone with vast experience in this field. The founder of the "Inkcore" tattoo atelier has been making clients' skin more beautiful with tattoos for over 8 years. He also ensures that other artists give proper care recommendations. Over this time, he has seen many cases of poor healing. In 96% of cases, the cause was the lack of seriousness or negligence towards the healing process. The remaining 4% falls on the master (but more on that later). It is important to understand that the application of the tattoo (the entire process that takes place in the studio during the session) is 50% of the success of a quality tattoo. Much depends on the client themselves, how diligently and strictly they follow the master's recommendations.

4% of the artist's fault
-There are different types of skin (soft, hard, dry, etc.), and with complex skin types, the master has to work with different efforts. The essence of the process is the penetration of ink into the skin. For example, there are people with very tough, thick skin. Consequently, an artist has to press the tattoo machine with the needle onto the skin with greater force to penetrate it. Therefore, skin trauma is more likely. As a result, crusts may form during the healing process (which essentially pose no special danger, just the tattoo will take a little longer to heal). It is important to adhere to the basic recommendations for healing. It is prohibited to try to remove these crusts on your own; in this case, gaps may form in the healed tattoo (areas of skin with "fallen out" ink).
icon So, let's start with how best to prepare for the session:
-Before the scheduled session day, it's better to refrain from consuming alcoholic beverages of any strength. Preferably for two to three days.
-You'll also please your artist by moisturizing the area of your future tattoo with a moisturizing cream a couple of days before the session. This will ensure that the skin is soft and smooth, minimizing skin trauma under such conditions. Working with dry skin is much more difficult and time-consuming, with much higher trauma, consequently resulting in worse and longer healing, which can significantly affect the quality of your healed tattoo.
-Before the scheduled session date, it would be great to get a good night's sleep, as this day should be like a holiday for the client, and it should be greeted with a good mood :)
-On the day of the session, refrain from coffee and caffeine-containing beverages, as caffeine increases blood pressure, and during work, the skin will bleed heavily, which is very detrimental to the quality of the tattoo and the comfort of the artist's work. Energy drinks are strictly prohibited because their effect is three times stronger than that of coffee.
-Also, before the session, you need to think about what you will be doing during the session; very often it lasts from 6 to 10 hours (if it's a full day). Books, movies, and TV series are good distractions from the fatigue and discomfort of injections. As for small tattoos, this point can be skipped.
icon During the process:
-It is strictly forbidden to touch or point at the tattoo area with your fingers during both the tattooing process and breaks. You must understand that a tattoo on the skin (before full healing) is essentially an open wound, and all bacteria, viruses that are on your fingers, under the nails, and so on, are highly likely to enter your body. To put it mildly, this is "undesirable".
-The artist is a living person, and of course, you can ask them anything you're curious about. From experience, it's always nice for artists to chat with clients about this and that. But remember, an artist must concentrate on his work throughout the session, so excessive curiosity or intrusiveness will not benefit either you or the artist.
-If you have already decided to get a tattoo at this studio, you must trust the artist to the maximum extent. Artists really don't like working under constant surveillance of your eyes; during the artist's work, it's best to engage in important matters, such as watching a series or reading a book :)
-You should be careful, for example, if you're getting a tattoo on your elbow, you shouldn't rest your hand on the table or other objects during breaks.
-If there are two or more artists working in the area, you shouldn't be too loud when talking on the phone or with a neighbor in the hall. You can distract both your and other artists significantly.
-Conversations about religion or politics are prohibited because these topics always raise the tone of the conversation. We are all human, and everyone has their own point of view.
icon After the session:
-Immediately after the completion of the tattooing, an artist will invite you to inspect your new tattoo in the mirror. After that, they will take a couple of photos and videos to share their work with others on social media (of course, only with your permission). Afterward, an artist will disinfect the tattoo and apply a dressing. This could be a baby diaper or a special healing film. With that, the artist's work is finished, and your work begins, which will take on average 10 to 14 days.

If the artist applied a special dressing to you, such as Suprasorb, Dermalize, or similar, you just need to:
-Wait for 7 days.
-Moisten the dressing under warm water for 10-15 minutes.
-Then carefully remove the dressing.
-Apply moisturizing cream after removal for 3-7 days once a day.

If the artist applied a regular dressing with a baby diaper:
-On the same day, after the session is finished and you've happily returned home, before going to bed, you should change the dressing (if it's not a special healing film). To do this, you need to remove the dressing applied by the master, wash your tattoo under warm running water with soap. The soap can be either regular or antibacterial. Afterward, pat the tattoo dry with a towel to remove all moisture. Then apply a THIN layer of healing cream (if applied too thickly, the tattoo may scab, causing small pimples and itching), and wrap it with a new baby diaper, securing the film with adhesive tape. If there is no baby diaper at home, a regular kitchen plastic film will also work. The dressing is necessary to protect your tattoo from external threats such as bacteria, and so on. The dressing should be changed three times a day, with an interval of 5-6 hours. Each time, wash the tattoo with soap and apply cream afterward. It is important to wash the tattoo with the palm of your hand, gently and softly. Under no circumstances should you wash the tattoo with your nails. The dressing should be worn for 2-3 days until all the discharge from the tattoo stops, such as blood, paint, and serous fluid. Once the discharge has stopped, you no longer need to wear the dressing, but you still need to continue washing your tattoo 3-4 times a day and applying cream. As your skin heals, it will renew itself, and the layer of skin damaged during the session will peel off. Initially, the central part of the tattoo will peel off, and then the edges, leaving small scraps of peeled skin around the tattoo. Do not peel off the scraps yourself; they will come off during regular washing. When all the skin has renewed, the tattoo is considered healed, and you no longer need to wash the tattoo.
-Do not visit solariums, swimming pools, and saunas during the healing phase.
-After the main healing stage, it will be beneficial to apply moisturizing cream to your new tattoo once a day for an additional 2-3 weeks. You will be able to see the final result in 1-2 months after healing. Since a fresh tattoo should be 1-3 shades darker (depending on the colors).
-In a very small percentage of people, there may be an allergy to the components of the inks, manifested by itching, redness, and small pimples. In such cases, you should consult your family doctor. He will prescribe an anti-allergic drug.

In conclusion, it should be said that if you responsibly follow the recommendations for healing, your tattoo will heal quickly and without any problems. And if you have any questions, you can always contact the studio for advice.

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